LBC Weekly SPARK – August 14, 2013

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends!

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. I read a passage from ch. 8 of R. C. Sproul’s The Holiness of God this morning that I thought was particularly helpful:

“Luther used a wonderful Latin phrase to describe the status of the justified sinner: simul justus et peccator. Let’s look at the phrase a word at a time to discern its meaning for us. Simul is the Latin word from which our English word simultaneous is derived; it means ‘at one and the same time.’ Justus is the Latin from which our word just comes, and et is the Latin word for ‘and.’ The word peccator is probably least familiar to us. We derive the English words impeccable and peccadillo from it. It is the Latin word for ‘sinner.’ Putting the words together, we get simul Justus et peccator: ‘at the same time just and sinner.’ That is what saints are, people who are at one and the same time just, yet sinful.

“That saints are still sinners is obvious. How then can they be just? Saints are just because they have been justified. In and of themselves they are not just. They are made just in God’s sight by the righteousness of Christ. This is what justification by faith is about. When we put our personal trust for our salvation in Christ and in Him alone, then God transfers to our account all of the righteousness of Jesus. His justness becomes ours when we believe in Him. It is a legal transaction. The transfer of righteousness is like an accounting transaction where no real property is exchanged. That is, God puts Jesus’ righteousness in my account while I am still a sinner.”

May we always be thankful that God could be both just and justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus!

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are the announcements for this week!

  1. Midweek Bible Study. Everyone is invited to join us for a special summer series in God’s Word each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. We meet again tonight in the church sanctuary for a time of singing, teaching, and fellowship!
  2. Members Meeting. There will be a members meeting this Sunday, August 18 from 4:45-8:30 PM at the church. If you are a member of LBC, please try to be at the meeting. Your attendance is strongly encouraged. As always, dinner will be served.
  3. Men’s Breakfast. We have men’s breakfast on Saturday, August 24, at 7:30 AM. All men are welcome to attend as we address the topic of being a leader in the home. Please bring a breakfast item to share!
  4. FITS. Our next Fun in the Sun Day will be on Sunday, August 25, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Torrey Hills Neighborhood Park. Come on out for a great time together with the church family in the San Diego sun! Please bring $5 for food (children 0-12 eat free!).
  5. Odds and Ends. If you lost a small ring in the LBC sanctuary within the last couple weeks, please notify Pastor Patrick to reclaim it. There has been a Ergo baby carrier in the nursing moms’ room for a number of weeks. If it is yours, please be sure to pick it up. Lost and found items have been placed on the tables by the front door of the sanctuary. Be sure to claim your lost items by this weekend or they will be donated or discarded.