Nursery Update

by Sandra Kim

The Nursery Ministry has always been such a blessing in my life in so many ways. Many years back, when we were cramped in a 10 x 10 room with 1 bin of toys and about 4 children, I relished in spending time with the youngest children of our church. It was fun to get to know them and their families as we supported one another to help the kids practice sharing, singing, and praying together.

As our children multiplied (Praise God!) our rooms moved, and buildings moved altogether, our focus on the children were the same. I took a break from serving in Nursery while my daughter Samantha had her turn to sing, read and play with her beloved Nursery teachers. Now that she has moved up to Sparklers, I get to come back to my smock and sing praise songs on the yellow rug.

Through all these transitions, God has reminded me of the importance in loving Him and loving his people. There are times when my arms were sore the whole day after serving in Nursery or I felt pressure to memorize “Rock of Ages” because one of the children only wanted to sing that song as he envisioned himself as Mr. Eugene Park and we had to sing along as he strummed the air popper toy as his air guitar, or take trips to the bathroom every 15 minutes to practice potty training with the kids. God can use all moments to remind us that we can worship Him as long as our hearts are focused on God. I have learned so much through my interactions with the babies, children and parents of our church. It is a joy each Sunday I get to serve, teach and minister alongside so many ladies. I learned and practiced how to change diapers and hold babies in Nursery and now I get to share my experience with the younger ladies in our ministry. I hope and pray that you too find a ministry you can share in the joy of serving and sharing in each other’s lives.