Grace Life Ministry Update

by Pastor Patrick Cho

This past week for Grace Life, we enjoyed a nice break from our regular Bible study and partook in fellowship over some pizza! During that time, I asked our Grace Lifers if they could share some feedback about how helpful the study on the attributes of God has been thus far. Here are their responses:

“I have enjoyed the fellowship and getting to know others better. I appreciated learning more about God’s truth. Because He is true, we can believe everything about Him.”

“This Grace Life study has been helpful for me because it has helped reveal that my view of God was limited. Our sinful human mind could never understand the vastness of God. When we are diligent to study His character, it will elicit a greater appreciation of His grace to us and how small we are in comparison.”

“The Grace Life Bible study has encouraged me midweek to be accountable for my actions during the week and to reflect on my spiritual discipline.”

“Grace Life has reminded me of the greatness of God in all of the attributes discussed and that He is perfect in them.”

“It has been very helpful to focus on God and have application flow from that, rather than starting with ‘more practical’ things. The lesson on His eternality helped me see the comparative brevity and fragility of my life and it compelled me to be more intentional in time management and stewardship.”

“The lesson on God’s omniscience stood out to me. It gives me comfort to know that even though I don’t know the future, God already has a plan in place before the creation of the world.”

“One lesson that stood out was when we discussed God’s holiness in Isaiah 6. Specifically, the passage showed how God was set apart even to the extent that angels covered their eyes in His presence. Through this passage, I was reminded of how pure and perfect God is compared to anyone else.”

“The lesson on immutability stood out to me. I never thought about how there are passages in the Bible that can be construed as God changing His mind. It was eye-opening in understanding that He is truly unchanging and that those passages are not talking about Him actually changing His mind. Also, it was helpful that God does not have a Plan B. But that every contingency was accounted for from the beginning.”

“This series has been helpful to me in that it stressed the importance of cultivating a deeper understanding of God and His character. A deeper understanding of Him causes my devotion, worship, and service to Him to be deeper. I remember feeling comforted knowing that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am thankful that our God doesn’t change His mind about the way of salvation. His word is unchanging just like His character.”

“I enjoyed learning about God’s eternality and how He sees all events in time all at once instead of like us experiencing one event at a time. It increases my trust in God that He has perfect understanding of past events in my life as well as my future.”

“Reminders of God’s omnipresence have transformed my thoughts little by little each day for the last few months. Not only is He everywhere at all times, but He is ever near me, personally guiding and comforting me through daily trials.”

“The aseity of God was a helpful lesson because it forced me to more closely examine God’s self-sufficiency, independence and sovereignty. That these inherent qualities of God are not related to us or any of His creation only served to magnify His grace, love, and mercy – that He would choose to create us, choose to love us, and choose to save us.”

“This study has been a good reminder about God’s attributes and what an awesome God we worship.”

“This series has been helpful because it helped me to appreciate and see God in a more grand view. To see God exhibit each attribute perfectly is amazing.”

“I’ve been learning that God cannot change, that He is immutable. This reaffirms that all His promises are sure and will be kept despite my unfaithfulness. I am so thankful that my security in salvation is unchanging.”

“Reviewing the truth of God and His word particularly was helpful for me. Knowing that God’s absolute truth is clearly laid out throughout the Scripture encourages me to keep pursuing to grow in His knowledge and in His grace, all for His glory!”

This study has certainly been impactful and spiritually beneficial. I would encourage all married couples and parents to come out and join us for Bible study on Thursday evenings! It has also been a tremendous joy to teach through this series. Preparation for the lessons has focused my attention on the greatness of God (which is a wonderful theme to focus on!). Walking through these lessons with the group has been a great time of worship together. We’ll still be continuing this series through the month of May so hopefully we’ll see more people come out and join in the blessing!