Weekly Links (4/25/2014)

Tolerance has become such a god in our culture that not to have it is heresy. The effect is that tolerance swallows up truth, negating any need to search for things that might offend or challenge our preferences. (Andreas Köstenberger, Darrell Bock, and Josh Chatraw from Truth Matters)

By Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! The week is nearly over, but not without your links! Here they are!

  • Have you ever wondered what questions need to be asked in order to make an informed decision about joining a local church? Sure, seeking a fellowship of believers to entrust your life can be daunting, but have you been asking the right questions? Here are some wise questions that I think all of us should adopt when in this stage of life. These questions would also be helpful to ask yourself even if you are already committed to a church.
  • As the culture is continuing to decline in moral ambiguity, some in the church are beginning to follow the drumbeat of compromise along with it. Case in point: Dan Haseltine, lead singer of Jars of Clay, recently came out in support of same-sex marriage. I’m sure many responses have already been written, but one I have found to get at the heart of the matter is an open letter written to Dan by Christian philosopher C.L. Bolt. It is a little lengthy, but definitely worth a read.
  • In a recent debate, Intelligent Design advocate Stephen Meyer went up against theistic evolutionist Karl Giberson to argue their case for the following: “Should Christians Embrace Evolution?” If you are scientifically inclined, you might find this to be very stimulating. If you are looking for a primer on Intelligent Design (especially for parents), look no further.
  • What is the future of the church? Biblical scholar Peter Williams (a Christian, no doubt) gives his two cents in answering this question, and others related to it. Food for thought.
  • This week brought the publication of a long-awaited book written by a professing believer arguing the case for same-sex relationships. Matthew Vines gave a lecture a couple years ago at a church concerning the same issue, leading to a detailed response from apologist and pastor James White. With the publication of Vines’ book, responses have already been forthcoming. James White did a radio interview, and then followed up with comments on his own show. Al Mohler and faculty at Boyce College and SBTS have collaborated on a book that is available to download online concerning specific areas that Vines addressed in his book. We live in a time when this issue is causing much heat with little light. May we be grateful to God that He has raised up leaders who are shining the light of God’s Word on this divisive issue. May the church proclaim with one voice the glory of God in marriage that reflects the mystery of Christ and His bride, and the salvation of sinners, both heterosexual and homosexual.
  • Pastor David Murray has been posting a series of his top 10 books on certain areas. This time around, he wrote his top 10 biographies of Christian women. If you’re looking for some good reads about godly women in church history, this is the place to look!
  • News has come that the first married throuple (three women, not two) in Massachusetts are expecting their first child. Although predicted by writers defending the traditional (and biblical) view, advocates for same-sex marriage didn’t think their logic would lead our culture down this road. Robert George gives some commentary that reveals the consequences of thinking unbiblically in this area.

That’s all for this week! I hope you enjoy the rest of this week at flocks, and meet with us for corporate worship and fellowship this Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria