Introducing “Tag Team”

by Stephen Rodgers

For the next couple weeks, we’re going to try a little experiment here on the Beacon: a new type of article series called “Tag Team.” Unlike previous series where a single author wrote multiple articles, we’re going to see what happens when we turn multiple authors loose on a single topic. In this case, those multiple authors are Richard, Cesar, and myself. Our hope is that we’ll succeed beyond our wildest dreams, but if we fail spectacularly and serve as an illustration for what exactly “and great was the fall of it” looks like on a blog, then that will be interesting as well.

I’m crossing my fingers for “succeed beyond our wildest dreams” though.

So…to inaugurate this new series, we had a few ideas:

  1. A lively discussion as to whether the ghost of Samuel was actually Samuel or not.
  2. A robust debate as to exactly what “the perfect’ is that Paul refers to.
  3. A puff piece about Christian podcasts.

Since for our first time out of the gate we wanted the difficulty set to something like “Easy Mode” instead of what is colloquially known as “Nintendo Hard,” we’re starting with #3.

So tune in tomorrow. I’ll be introducing the rules for Tag Team and our first series on podcasts. You don’t want to miss it.