Five Fantastic Facts Concerning Children

by Jacob Garcia

Kids are great…challenging at times…but wonderful nonetheless. It can sometimes be difficult to remember that, especially when in the midst of disciplining or a particularly rebellious stage!

Serving in the Sonlight children’s’ ministry, I have the opportunity to see some of the kids’ best moments, such as when they know the answer to a question, recite a bible verse, or volunteer for an activity.

However, despite my positive experience in Sonlight, I realize that parents can have truly challenging periods of time when it comes to raising their children. Seasons when exhaustion, impudence, or busyness make it difficult to count children as blessings.

Keeping all the different circumstances in mind, however, it’s important to turn to the Scriptures to discover what God has to say about the young ones in our lives. Hopefully, He will grow in us a greater appreciation and love for them! So, here are five fantastic facts concerning children:

1. They are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)

We are all created in the likeness of God. Individually, we each bear the image of our Maker. Now, some image-bearers may be smaller and younger than others, but that doesn’t mean they’re worth less!

The littlest child is every bit as much of a person as the CEO of a major corporation, and the small kid playing ball on the street has the same intrinsic value as the greatest NBA super star. They are all image-bearers of the Lord God Himself!

2. They are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5)

In contrast to what the world might say, children really are a truly amazing gift from God. In fact, they are even said to be a reward!

This is especially relevant in a self-centered, career-focused culture, where children are sometimes seen as little more than obstacles to our own progress. God doesn’t think so! On the contrary, the psalmist mentions how blessed the man is who “fills his quiver with them.” What a great reminder!

3. Scripture addresses them specifically (Ephesians 6:1)

It can be easy to overlook the needs and desires of children. We might be tempted to wait for them to “grow up” before we concern ourselves with their spiritual development. However, in this passage, we see that God loves children in their current stage of life. They do not slip under His radar.

He truly wants children to believe and obey, and not just for behavior’s sake, but that they would obey “in the Lord, for this is right.” So, in essence, God wants them to obey for His sake and for the right reasons. He really is concerned with their heart in it all, not only their actions!

4. The way we live drastically affects them (Proverbs 20:7)

A righteous person can do much for their children in so many ways. Whether it’s by providing a safe place for them to grow up, teaching them the fear of the Lord, or just being a good example for them to follow, a godly parent is invaluable on a multitude of levels.

In contrast, a wicked person’s actions will have destructive consequences on their offspring, as they will be prone to imitate the errors of their parents (Deuteronomy 5:9). Therefore, we must be diligent to walk in integrity, not only for our own sake, but also because little ones constantly observe us, and what is observed will be copied, for good or for bad.

5. We must become like them to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3)

Often, one of the most difficult things for us to grasp is the concept of a child-like faith. We may, in our pride, assume that the kingdom is for the wise and super-spiritual, not for those that are infantile in their thinking.

Yet, the Lord in His infinite wisdom has deemed that heaven is a place for those who are humble and child-like in their dependence on Him. This is an amazing reality, one that should break us of all arrogance, relying on God with all our being. Just like little children depend on their earthly parents, we should trust in the Lord!

Treasuring Children

We must be careful that young kids in a congregation not go unnoticed, underfed spiritually, or simply tolerated. That would be a great shame, because, children can be a huge encouragement to us in their love for the Lord if we would just take the opportunity to minister to them.

So, let’s make it our aim to pray for the young ones around us. Not just so that they would “behave well” or act like “good kids”, but asking that their lives would overflow with the love God, as He graciously pours it into their hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Thank God for children!