Weekly Links (10/23/2015)

“God, the Father, gave his best. He gave us His Son; both absorbed great personal loss to restore our relationship and rescue us from our sin. This same principle will probably hold true for you as well. We are showing the value of the relationship by what we are willing to sacrifice for it!” (Ernie Baker, Help! I’m in a Conflict)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Hopefully, the week has been filled with an awareness of God at work in your life! With that said (or typed), here are this week’s links!

  • Rick Phillips answers a curious question, given evangelicals’ emphasis on all things gospel-centered: “Did Jesus Have a Gospel-Centered Ministry?
  • Over at the Feeding on Christ blog, Nicholas Batzig writes on how ministers can overcome discouragement in (pastoral) ministry. Though written primarily for pastors, it would be helpful for church members to be aware of how to encourage and help minister to our pastors, which God has sovereignly placed to care for us. May we grow to be a joy, and not a burden, to our shepherds.
  • Tim Challies recently created a quiz on the Trinity to test your knowledge of God’s self-revelation. Now, he has a new quiz on our Lord, Jesus Christ. After each question comes the answer and the reasoning behind it. Even if you get a perfect score, you’ll learn a lot along the way. Ready? Begin!
  • RTS President and Professor Michael Kruger answers a common apologetic question, “What is the Earliest Complete List of the Canon of the New Testament?
  • Andy Naselli recently recited the book of 1 Corinthians at his church, by memory! For our edification, he writes 14 reasons we should memorize an entire book of the Bible, and 11 steps to memorizing an entire book of the Bible.
  • How do you handle worry when it comes into your life? Pastor Dave Mitchell has three words for you: Remember what’s true.
  • Parents, how would you answer your son/daughter if they ask, “How do we know the Bible is God’s Word?” Pastor Chris Brauns provides a great response.
  • Randy Newman, known for his use of questions in evangelism (not the same guy who wrote, ‘You Got a Friend in Me’), spends some time on how to have gospel conversations in the age of texts, tweets, and distractions.
  • Though I don’t agree with everything William Lane Craig says, I can give credit where credit is due. He was interviewed (for 2 hours!) by a non-Christian on various subjects related to Christianity, and was very well-composed in providing answers. Consider this an example of how a Christian ought to communicate with a non-Christian on spiritual matters (even if the original post is commending the non-Christian in asking good questions!).
  • If you were only able to express three truths about God to a new believer, what would you say? Here’s Suzanne Evans‘ attempt.

That’s all for this week! Don’t forget that this week is flocks week, so no Bible study for Lumos and College Life. For the ladies, Table for 6 is tomorrow morning. Don’t miss out! See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria