LBCSD SPARK – January 6, 2016

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBCSD church family and friends!

I hope that ringing in the New Year was a good transition for you all! Can you believe that 2016 is already here? I know that with the New Year, many of you will be making resolutions. Some of these resolutions might be physical. Perhaps you want to get into better shape or lose some weight. Other resolutions might revolve around interests or general personal improvement. Maybe you want to read more books this year, pick up a musical instrument, or learn a new language. Maybe your resolutions are financial. Wanting to save money? Invest? Give? Whatever the goals, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. IT IS GOOD TO HAVE A GOAL. It’s good to think things through and have a plan. It would be foolish to set forth to do anything without first thinking through what it would take. For many in the world, the goal is the end in itself. But as Christians, we need to remember that our personal goals are a means to an end. For believers, it is more than about pursuing personal improvement. We are not just seeking to be better people. We want to be better worshipers. As such, it’s important to remember that there is something greater that we live for and that our goals ought to be oriented around that greater purpose. Keep in mind the thought from Proverbs 16:9 – “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
  2. PURSUE THE RIGHT THINGS. Since we ourselves are not the ultimate goal, but we have a greater purpose as worshipers of the Lord, we need to make sure that we are setting the right kinds of goals. These are goals that are in line with the truth of God. I think of passages like Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Our constant desire as believers in Christ is to come into conformity with His will and to pursue His purposes for us. His desires become our desires (Ps. 37:4-5). His will becomes our will. Consider the example of Christ who constantly submitted to the will of His heavenly Father (Matt. 26:39; John 8:28).
  3. KEEP WATCH OVER YOUR MOTIVES. But for Christians, it is not enough to simply pursue the right goals. We also need to look past the goal itself to the motive driving the goal. We keep in mind that the Lord considers the intentions of the heart (Heb. 4:12). It is possible to pursue the things the Lord wants for us and intends to be blessings to us, but in a way and with a mindset that is displeasing to Him. Be careful about making plans to read through the Bible in a year only to be noticed by men. Be careful about setting goals of personal discipline chiefly to feed personal pride.

These are just a few things to consider as you set resolutions for yourselves this New Year! Here’s to a great 2016 for all the Lighthouse Bible Churches. May God show us grace and grant us wisdom for a great year!

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some upcoming ministry opportunities for your consideration:

  1. Sunday Service. Please pray for Josh Liu as he prepares to preach this Sunday. Also, please note that Sunday School classes will be back in session this weekend.
  2. Midweek Bible Studies. All of our regularly scheduled midweek Bible studies are back in session this week.  Single Life meets on Wednesday at 6:30pm for dinner; Bible study then starts around 7:15pm. Grace Life and Kids Club meet on Thursday at 6:30pm; this week the Grace Life LADIES will be meeting for Bible study. Don’t forget that nursery care is also available during that time. College Life and Lumos Youth meet on Friday at 7pm.
  3. Membership Class. Our next membership class will be on Saturday, January 16 from 9am to 12pm, and Sunday, January 17, from 2-5pm. Attendance is required at both sessions. If you are interested in membership, please contact Pastor Patrick for an application.
  4. Flocks Week. Flocks will be meeting on January 27-30 this month. For more information about our regional monthly flock groups, please contact Cesar Vigil-Ruiz (
  5. Members Meeting. We will be having a members meeting on Sunday, January 31, from 4:30 to 8:00pm. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. As always, dinner will be provided.
  6. Baptism Class. Our next baptism class is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, at 7pm. If you have not yet been baptized as a believer in obedience to Christ’s command, or if you are simply interested in learning more about believer’s baptism, please make plans to come to the next baptism class.