LBCSD SPARK – February 25, 2016

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBCSD family and friends!

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful week! One of the great words from the book of Titus is soteros. This is the word that is translated “savior” and is repeated twice in each chapter (1:3; 1:4; 2:10; 2:13; 3:4; 3:6). Since the time of the Old Testament, God’s people have known Him to be a wonderful savior. In 2 Samuel 22:3, David cries out, “My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my savior, You save me from violence.” The Lord Himself proclaims, “I, even I, am YHWH, and there is no savior besides Me” (Isa. 43:11). Whether receiving deliverance from physical peril or knowing God as the Savior of the soul, He stands alone as the savior of His people in the Old Testament.

This context is significant in Titus because of how the Apostle Paul employs the word throughout the short epistle. In Titus 1:3, God is our Savior, but in 1:4, Jesus is our Savior. In 2:10, God is our Savior, but in 2:13, Jesus is our Savior. In 3:4, God is our Savior, but in 3:6, Jesus is our Savior. What can we conclude by this usage other than what Paul himself declares in Titus 2:13? Christ Jesus is our great God and Savior!

The pattern of salvation is also significant throughout Titus. We have seen that the term “good deeds” is a major theme throughout the book (1:16; 2:7; 2:14; 3:1; 3:8; 3:14). The pattern that we see throughout Titus is that God has not only saved His people from the sin that once enslaved them, but He has also saved them to live for Him by engaging in good deeds. In particular focus is the effects of those good deeds as an encouragement within the church and as a testimony of the life changing power of the gospel to those outside. But the thought does not end with the present effects of the gospel’s work in our lives. The Apostle Paul is also good to remind the church of the coming, future, final appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this sense, all believers are motivated to live in obedience to the Lord’s commands because 1) they have been amazingly saved from their sins by the grace of God, 2) they have been transformed by the gospel to live for the Lord, and 3) they hope to one day see their Lord and Savior again.

I hope these reflections from the general themes of Titus encourage your hearts and further motivate you to live fully for the Lord in obedience to His Word by the power of the Spirit.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some opportunities for ministry that you will want to be aware of:

  1. Sunday. This Sunday, we will be doing things a little bit differently. During our morning service, two of our members will be baptized after the sermon. Since it is a special Sunday, we will take a break from our study in Titus and take some time to examine the ordinance of baptism.
  2. Flocks. Don’t forget that it is flocks week, which means that our regularly scheduled midweek Bible studies are canceled this week. Bible studies will resume next week.
  3. CPR/First Aid. There is still time to sign up for the CPR/First Aid class that is happening this Saturday, February 27, from 1:30-4:30pm. The cost is $75 ($35 for LBCSD Children’s Ministry workers). You can sign up with Randy Sarmiento (
  4. Care Month. As Care Month winds down, there is one more event that is still happening on Saturday, February 27. We will be showing the movie “The War Room” at 5pm at the church building.
  5. LBCLA Anniversary. LBCLA will be celebrating its 2nd anniversary this weekend with a special morning service and a concert in the evening featuring The Master’s College Chorale. For those interested in attending the evening concert, an RSVP is requested because dinner will be provided after the concert. LBCLA has set up a Facebook page to RSVP or confirm your attendance (if you signed up with Joseph and Lynn Ho).
  6. CCM UCSD. Pastor Patrick will be preaching for UCSD’s Crossroads Campus Ministry on Wednesday, March 2. More information will be posted on the various affinity group Facebook pages in the next few days. The topic of the message will be “Bearing Witness to the Goodness of God.”
  7. Single Life Retreat. The Single Life retreat is almost here! The retreat will be on March 4-6 at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center. Our speaker this year is Pastor Kurt Gebhards, and he will be preaching a series entitled, “The Disciples’ Prayer.” You can still register with Roger Alcaraz if you would like to attend ( The cost is $150/person.
  8. Shepherds’ Conference. If you are planning to attend this year’s Shepherds’ Conference at Grace Community Church, please email Pastor Patrick ( We just want to know who will be in attendance from LBCSD. There is a possibility to help with housing during the conference. If you are interested, please indicate that in the email.
  9. Membership Class. NOTE: The upcoming membership class dates have been changed. The class will now be on Saturday, March 19, from 9am-12pm, and Sunday, March 20, from 2-5pm. Attendance at both sessions is required. If you are interested in pursuing membership at LBCSD, please contact Pastor Patrick for an application.
  10. Good Friday Service. We will be having a Good Friday service on Friday, March 25, at 6:30pm. Come out as we reflect on God’s amazing gift of salvation and the work of Christ on the cross. As is our custom, we will be taking communion together at the service.
  11. Resurrection Sunday Service. On Sunday, March 27, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with a special Resurrection Sunday breakfast and service. Breakfast will be served beginning at 7:30am and then we will have a special service during our regular service time of 9am. Be sure to invite your family and friends to join us for worship.