LBCSD SPARK – March 4, 2016

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBCSD family and friends!

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful week and walking in the Lord! This morning I was reading through the end of Leviticus and came across a fascinating passage in chapter 25. Part of this chapter is devoted to the instructions given about the Sabbath year (vv. 1-7). Basically the way this worked was that Israel was permitted to farm their land for six consecutive years, but on the seventh year they would need to allow the ground to rest. Part of this was to give the land time to recuperate, but perhaps the greater reason for the Sabbath year was to follow after the pattern of creation in obedience to the God of creation. Simply put, God required it so the people were expected to follow.

This is one of those passages in Scripture where obedience to the Word of God on the part of God’s people certainly became exceptionally practical. We are sometimes tested with moments of obedience, decisions here and there, but Israel was asked to exercise trust in God for an entire year (every seven years)! Imagine not being able to sow or reap a harvest for a year! Even if you had some food saved up, how could you adequately prepare for such a time? God answers the question in vv. 20-21. Basically He promises that He would provide for them during the sixth year with enough food for three years – food for the sixth year itself, food for the seventh year with the Sabbath, and food for the eighth year while they awaited the new crop!

It makes me wonder how many Israelites worried at the end of the fifth year, as the sixth year approached, whether God would keep His promise. How easy would it have become to simply trust that food came as a result of labor and natural processes (e.g., good soil, rain, etc.). Why should the sixth year produce three times as much food? Consider how much faith this would have required on a regular basis.

There are times when God gets into our comfort zones and challenges us to believe in Him. When we go through seasons of doubt with our feelings, can we confidently return to our faithful God and the promises He has made in Scripture? He doesn’t only challenge us in spiritual areas, but is also the God of the practical and everyday. This passage also serves as a reminder that God is our great provider. What do we have that has not been given to us? How easy is it for us to fall into the belief that our income is only the result of our own effort and time? The jobs we have are God’s grace to us. The money we earn is God’s grace to us. The food we purchase and prepare is God’s grace to us. Praise God for His gracious provision and kindness to us!

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some opportunities for ministry for you to consider!

  1. This Week. There is no Single Life Bible study tonight because of the retreat this weekend. Grace Life and Kids Club will be meeting on Thursday at 6:30pm. College and Youth will still be meeting on Friday at 7pm.
  2. Sunday. This Sunday, since it is the first Sunday of the month, we will be taking communion so please come with your hearts prepared for that time. We are planning to continue in our study of Titus looking at Titus 3:5b-6.
  3. Sunday School. Due to the singles retreat, we will not have Sunday School classes during second hour this weekend. All classes will resume the following weekend.
  4. Shepherds’ Conference. Please pray for the men who will be attending the Shepherds’ Conference next week at Grace Community Church. Pray that God would use that time to build up the leadership of the church and that the men would be greatly blessed by the time of worship, instruction, and fellowship together.
  5. Membership Class. The next membership class will be on Saturday, March 19, from 9am-12pm, and Sunday, March 20, from 2-5pm. Attendance at both classes is mandatory. If you are interested in becoming a member at LBC San Diego, please contact Pastor Patrick for an application (
  6. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. On Friday, March 25, we will have a special Good Friday service at the church at 6:30pm. Come out as we take time to remember Christ’s work on the cross. Then on Sunday, March 27, we will have a Resurrection Sunday service during our regular morning service time. Also on that Sunday, at 7:30am, you can come out for a breakfast fellowship at the church. Be sure to invite family and friends to hear the awesome message of the gospel!