Weekly Links (11/4/2016)

by Stephen Rodgers

Welcome to the first Friday of the month, where we highlight free resources. The usual caveats apply: being featured is not the same thing as being endorsed, and the blurbs are pulled from the respective sites, not written by me.

America’s Pastor (free Christianaudio audiobook)

During a career spanning sixty years, the Reverend Billy Graham’s resonant voice and chiseled profile entered the living rooms of millions of Americans with a message that called for personal transformation through God’s grace. How did a lanky farm kid from North Carolina become an evangelist hailed by the media as “America’s pastor”? More than a conventional biography, Grant Wacker’s interpretive study deepens our understanding of why Billy Graham has mattered so much to so many.

Philippians: How to Have Joy (free Logos resource)

How do I live the Christian life joyfully regardless of people or circumstances? What is the purpose of suffering and the Christian perspective on death? Do I have “the mind of Christ”? Discover true, deep-down joy in your life that the world cannot take away.

Maturity (free Tabletalk magazine)

The November issue of Tabletalk considers the biblical-theological theme of maturity. Maturity is a combination of wisdom, kindness, and endurance—a “growing up” in love. Compared to our forefathers in the faith, many of us are lacking in maturity. Yet, the progression from spiritual infancy to maturity in Christ is the normal progression of the Christian life, and helping others grow in the “fullness of Christ” is one of the primary goals of the church. The goal of this issue is to counter immaturity in the church by presenting a more compelling account of biblical maturity.