Weekly Links (5/18/2018)

“The heart and soul of all Christianity is our relationship with Christ. Our salvation begins with Him, our sanctification progresses with Him, and our glorification ends with Him. He is the reason for our being, and thus He is more valuable to us than anyone or anything.” (John MacArthur, The Power of Integrity: Building a Life Without Compromise)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! The time has come for new links in your life. Will you respond? Here we go!

  • In the latest 9Marks interview, Jonathan Leeman asks Mark Dever questions about the sufficiency of Scripture, what it means and how we can practically apply it in our lives.
  • What would The Master’s University Dean of Students, Joe Keller, have to say to graduating Christian students as they leave college? Here’s his open letter.
  • Jonathan Morrow at the Impact 360 Institute talks with Life Training Institute speaker Megan Almon about how to make a case for life on the issue of abortion. Over at the Equal Rights Institute blog, Rachel Crawford helps us to be more accurate and gracious in our interactions with pro-choice advocates, in light of conservative thinker Matt Walsh’s video refuting bodily rights arguments.
  • Wives, how can you respond to anger from your husband? Caroline Newheiser gives five lessons based on Abigail’s response to her husband, Nabal.
  • If you desire to pursue biblical counseling, sometimes you may need help in knowing how to help your counselee practically apply the Scriptures to their lives. Julie Ganschow writes of a very practical tool that can come in handy in your times of helping those in need.
  • Sometimes hearing stories of how biblical principles can be applied in real-life situations can give us encouragement to be faithful to our Lord. Here is how peacemaking helped prevent the termination of a Bible translation project. Amazing!
  • Tim Challies asks two questions about your phone apps, and you may be surprised at your own answers. He also links to an article that offers two rules that can free you from your smartphone and be more productive at the same time! What a concept!
  • Do we need to unhitch ourselves from the Old Testament? A well-known pastor recently argued we should, and many have rightly pointed out the errors in doing so. Wyatt Graham provides three reasons we should trust the Old Testament.

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for the youth and collegians, as they will be at Bible study. Pray for their eyes and ears to be opened to hearing the Word of God, and seek to apply it immediately in their lives. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria