Weekly Links (6/15/2018)

“If men would love Jesus they would be real men. If men would love Jesus they would find a power over the most notorious sins. Real men do love Jesus. Real men would have the courage to take a bullet for the gospel. Real men always have.” (Byron Yawn, What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Some have finished school, and summer has almost arrived! But what will always be here on Fridays are links for you to enjoy. So have at it!

  • As Father’s Day approaches, sime may wonder if those who have experienced a miscarriage in their family, would they be considered fathers or not? Equal Rights Institute trainer Andrew Kaake argues yes  and you may gain some insights into fatherhood and abortion as you read. At the ACBC blog, Executive Director elect Dale Johnson writes on what fatherly discipline looks in contrast to worldly discipline.
  • What are some barriers to Christian hospitality? Rosaria Butterfield mentions two, so humble yourself and read (or watch) her explanation.
  • Darby Strickland continues her brief sereies on sexual abuse by pointing to some clear signs that an abusive relationship may exist within a marriage and how to help point that out to wives.
  • How can we apply difficult passages in Scripture today? CCEF counselor Mike Emlet provides three questions that will better help you see the freshness and relevancy of every passage of God’s Word.
  • Paul Tripp, in this week’s Wednesday’s Word, highlights the necessity of viewing ministry as life and life as ministry. For the health of the church, read this timely article.
  • How do we help teens grow in their faith? Impact 360 Institute Director of Cultural Engagement, Jonathan Morrow, and Mitch Aldridge discuss how challenges play a critical role at this stage of life as we disciple them. Parents and youth staff, listen in!
  • Identifying as complementarian, or believing God established equal but gendered roles in marriage and in church, can lead to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Gavin Ortlund identifies four dangers us complementarians must be aware of if we use the label.
  • An upcoming conference, called Revoice, is turning heads as it addresses LBGTQ+ issues, using terminology that sounds more like an endorsement than a call to biblical fidelity. What’s more, the conference is being headed up by a PCA church with PCA speakers, from which the denomination has historically been theologically conservative. Tim Challies mentions some concerns being raised and links to many articles that shed light on those concerns and provide a biblical perspective on the topic.
  • What are the main differences between the Bible and the Qur’an? Pastor Eric Davis begins a new series that will highlight the main differences between what Christians and Muslims believe. His first post gives an introduction to Islam, the life of Muhammad, and the creation of the Qur’an. Don’t miss the recommended resources at the end.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the youth as they meet for their last Bible study this school year, and all the moms, who are spending time at TGC Women’s Conference currently, and will return tomorrow. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria