The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such as These

by Katherine Lam

For those that don’t know, I’ve never been a “kids” person. I grew up being the youngest of three so I had no experience in taking care of a younger sibling. At church, you would have never seen me play with the kids, let alone ask to hold someone’s child. But surely, God challenged me to grow in my love for children as I was looking into joining a ministry to serve in at Lighthouse.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. (Matthew 19:13-14)

There’s a good number of options when looking at what ministries to serve in, but as I was looking through the list, the children’s ministry particularly caught my eye – not in the best way exactly. The thought of joining made me uncomfortable and I wanted to shy away from it. Yet as I recalled from Scripture Jesus’ tender love for children, I couldn’t help but to recognize my lack thereof and how I needed to grow in it as we’re called to exemplify Christ in all things. Serving in children’s ministry would provide such an opportunity. After some prayer and consideration, I asked to join the Sparklers ministry serving the three- to five-year olds.

Now reflecting upon my time in Sparklers for the past four years, I can confidently say that God has grown my love for children. I still don’t gravitate towards them like some other people naturally do at the church, but I do take delight in developing a relationship with each of them. It’s fun to see their individual personalities come out as you get to know them, but it’s also bittersweet to witness when they first enter from Fireflies to when they move up to Sonlight as you get personally attached.

But don’t get me wrong, there are the frustrating, not-as-easy discipline moments with them as well. There’s even been a time I cried! But what a tremendous joy it is to be in a position to shepherd them, share the Gospel, and hopefully make a lasting impact on their souls.

I encourage you, if you think you disqualify from serving in the children’s ministry because of your lack of love towards them, to pray and reconsider. Ask God to give you a heart for them. Not only is it a way to serve the church body, but it’s also a way to grow in Christlikeness.