Weekly Links (9/14/2018)

“We were made to enjoy Him. Our minds were shaped and fashioned to think about God, to reflect and meditate on His majesty and beauty and to experience the intellectual thrill of theological discovery. Our emotions were made to feel His power, love, and longing for us. Our wills were made to choose His will and ways; our spirits were formed to experience the ecstasy of communion with Him; our bodies were fashioned to be the temple where He Himself would delight to dwell!” (Sam Storms, Pleasures Evermore: The Life-Changing Power of Enjoying God)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Our focus this week is on the issue of social justice, archaeology, and biblical counseling. Without further ado, here are your links!

  • In a recent Ask Anything Live event, Al Mohler was asked a few times to address the issue of social justice amongst believers. Here is the link with the proper background info to the recent posting of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel. Speaking of which, articles from the perspective of the initial signatories of this statement have been popping up this week, including articles by Josh Buice and Tom Ascol. Kevin DeYoung answers the question “Is social justice a gospel issue?” Justin Taylor, in referencing DeYoung’s article, highlights D.A. Carson’s article from 2014 on what should be considered a gospel issue. Whatever your position on these issues, it’s always best to stay informed from the primary spokesmen on both sides of the aisle. May we all speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
  • Biblical counselor Mark Shaw writes on the issue of men and their middle-age crisis in two parts (one and two) from a biblical perspective. It’s always a breath of fresh air when a Christian worldview is applied in contrast to the wisdom of the world.
  • How can you talk more like Christ? This is a great question, with a great answer by biblical counselor Lucy Ann Moll.
  • How can you grow in your listening skills? Ed Welch gives some great counsel on valuable listening.
  • Youth are called to remember our Creator in this stage of life. Why should we do that? David Murray gives four reasons to do so. May all our youth remember the One who made us.
  • Alasdair Groves sits down with CCEF counselor Mike Emlet to discuss how he personally engages with Scripture on their most recent On the Go podcast. Listen in!
  • The Associates for Biblical Research, in their most recent episode of Digging for Truth, present a pastoral perspective on archaeology and the Bible. You will learn much and appreciate God’s faithfulness in verifying what He has said in His Word.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for our youth and collegians, as they meet tonight for Bible study. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria