Weekly Links (1/25/2019)

“Prayer for the Christian is a matter of believing that God is, and that he does respond to those who believe in him. Prayer then, instead of being a matter of times and seasons and special or routine occasions, becomes a life, or it becomes such a vital part of life that it re-focuses one’s whole outlook. We become interested in God, his ways, his doings, his words and we find ourselves agreeing with him about perhaps a great many things we were tempted not to agree about before. And the very humility which unself-consciously comes with such an attitude is one of sheer delight.” (William Philip, Why We Pray)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday!

  • Tuesday was Sanctity of Life Day, and you may not be aware of how the pro-life movement has been in the last couple of years. Life Training Institute speaker Scott Klusendorf wrote an update on the state of the pro-life movement under the current administration, with steps to increasing exposure of the pro-life message, in light of the gospel. You would be wise to read and heed.
  • In light of Klusendorf’s article, to make a case for the pro-life view on abortion, theologian Wayne Grudem gives some of the scientific evidence to further solidify persuading others of a biblical view of life. Klusendorf has also written five myths concerning abortion that every one should be aware of.
  • The Biblical Counseling Coalition started a three-part series on the effects of abortion in light of Sanctity of Life Day. The first article is on the topic of sidewalk counseling, the second is on post-abortion counseling for women, and the third on post-abortion counseling for men.
  • Christian apologist Frank Turek recently spoke on the issue of abortion on his podcast, including how to address the issue with those who are pro-choice, possibly pro-abortion. Turek is usually pretty helpful when it comes to issues of culture, so don’t miss out on this one.
  • Is the doctrine of adoption sweet to you? If not, you may change your mind after reading this explanation of it.
  • Pastor Brian Hedges writes an open letter to whoever falls under the category of ‘timid evangelist.’ I pray this will be of help to you to overcome the fear of man and increase your fear of God.
  • Historian of science Michael Keas debunks a couple common myths regarding science and religion on the recent ID the Future podcast, specifically, regarding the Dark Ages and belief in a flat earth. This was a continuation of a previous podcast, so make sure to check back to previous episodes.
  • Kevin DeYoung gives 10 biblical reasons racism is sin. Most people think it’s wrong, but cannot give the why. Let this be a good starting point for future discussions on racism among believers.

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for our flocks, as they are meeting tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria