Weekly Links (2/8/2019)

“The mind is like a garden; whatever you permit to grow and cultivate will eventually produce behavioral fruit (Gal. 6:7).” (John D. Street, Passions of the Heart: Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! There is a lot here for everyone to enjoy, so here are this week’s links!

  • What would be a good game plan for counselors to implement with married couples in need of help? Certified biblical counselor Julie Ganschow provides some of the basics in dealing with marriage problems.
  • How would the Puritans counsel the aged? Counselor Donn Northup combines some observations from Richard Baxter’s insights in his work A Christian Directory.
  • ACBC’s Truth in Love podcast continues to provide helpful resources in the area of biblical counseling, especially with respect to common struggles believers face today. Three podcasts were posted this week: how to understand feelings biblically, another on how to minister to families following the suicide of a loved one, and counseling women who have been abandoned by their husbands.
  • Joe Rigney, at the 2019 Bethlehem Conference held last month, spoke on resolving the biblical and experiential tensions of what has been called ‘Christian Hedonism.’ The issue has to do with knowing how to enjoy God supremely, and how to enjoy the things of earth. It is quite illuminating how Scripture resolves this tension, and how it can apply in our daily lives.
  • Historian of science Michael Keas is again interviewed on ID the Future podcast on the issue of Galileo and the myth of science vs. religion propagated by many in culture today. Fascinating stuff.
  • Christian apologist William Lane Craig has had animated videos made of various arguments for God’s existence within these last few years, and continues to release new ones every so often. His most recent two focus on the argument for the resurrection of Jesus, based on three facts most New Testament scholars, believer and unbeliever alike, would accept. Though we may not be in lock-step with Craig’s apologetic methodology, there is much to appreciate about these videos, and how they can be passed along to those who don’t believe, in hopes of starting a conversation about the gospel. May they be seen far and wide.
  • Vaneetha Rendall Risner writes about how she learned to read the Bible through tears, and how to seek God by way of His Word in times of pain and loneliness. Very insightful!
  • I was very encouraged to see this post from a mom who has a plan to raise her kids to be pro-life, especially when the culture is heading rapidly towards a pro-abortion stance. We can definitely incorporate this in teaching our kids, whether at home or at church. May God have mercy, and may we be bold to proclaim the gospel of life to all.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the youth and collegians, as they are meeting for Bible study tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria