A Letter from Ema Romano (AR09)

by Emanuel Romano

Hi everyone! My name is Emanuel Romano, I am a member of IBM in Tucuman and I came to Tucucman in February of this year, and since then God has not ceased blessing me greatly as well as my family. In the beginning of the month of March I was challenged to work in the ministry with the young adults. It was something new for me, but even still I was motivated.

In His grace, God used me greatly despite the fact that we are not deserving of so much love. And the campaign this year helped me to discover that truly the work is outside but also it helped me discover that God is great and He does everything with a specific purpose.

When my parents divorced in 2002, I moved to Monte and there I had the opportunity to study English. During this time my heart was hardened and I began submerging myself in the trash of this world up to the point to even being addicted to drugs, which gave me problems at home.

After a long process, God molded my heart and showed me His love even when I didn’t deserve it. Thus I decided to submit all of me to Him and I truly experienced His love…by His grace God allowed me to collaborate and translate during the campaign, which I had never done before and it was a wonderful time sharing with each one of the members of the team. But what encourages me the most is that now has come the time to work because the ministry is growing because each campaign left its fruits and this one was no exception: in the young adult ministry we have 7 new people, and we are staring a soccer ministry with the people from the neighborhood for Juan Pablo. We are encouraged and there is much need.

We love you and we ask God that we would continue receiving His blessings. Pray for us; we have limited resources but we know that everything in the hands of God is worth much more. One of the challenges this year was starting an English workshop that would allow us to communicate on a basic but fluent level with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and this would be a useful tool in ministry. And we are definitely starting that up. Lately we have been getting around 10 people who are very motivated and at the same time motivate my life. It’s a great challenge that God has given me, so I ask you all that you pray for my life.

It was truly a pleasure enjoying the time of the campaign as a church. We were greatly blessed and it is the desire of our hearts to have blessings like this that promote growth, but even more, that challenge us to perfect us in His word. I sent you my greetings and I thank God for having used us in such a great way.
