A Letter from Yanina Valdez (AR09)

by Yanina Valdez

Hi everyone! For those that don’t know me, my name is Debora Yanina Valdez.

I recently turned 18 years old and I’ve been a part of 4 different campaigns in the last 4 years!

It’s a great privilege to be able to serve in the Work of God in different ways this year. I wasn’t asked to go out to share the Gospel with the others but I was able to be a helper in the kitchen cleaning among other things. This helped a lot in my growth because in the mornings we would share about our quiet times with the rest of the people in the group.

I also give many thanks to God because every year He has something to make me change my life. This campaign, God helped me a lot in growing and has spoken a lot to me that I need to preach the Gospel everyday of my life and not forget it.

I saw the Lighthouse members speaking about how God is forming them and the work that He is doing in each one of them. I am very thankful to our Heavenly Father for the privilege he gave me to get to know them. The truth is if I hadn’t been walking with the Lord I would have never been able to meet people from another place, much less another country!

I am truly thankful for the support that LBC as a church are giving to our church. And as always, every campaign has been of great blessing. Each campaign bears its fruits.

Something that amazes me from seeing from every campaign is seeing my ministry leader. He was the fruit of a campaign a couple of years back and he says that he was a fruit of the campaign thanks to your guys’ help. You can imagine that you all helped in the growth of each and everyone person in our church!

The truth is that it is a privilege to be able to communicate our love in Christ that we share with one another.

I will end on a very happy note, giving so much thanks to God and the leaders of my church and Lighthouse.

I’ll be available next time that you need something from me. I don’t have much to give but I have my entire life and my gifts to serve and help those who need it.