LBC Weekly SPARK – January 19, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

To all our dear LBC family and friends!

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. Ephesians 4:11-14 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible because it describes what church ministry looks like when everything is happening as it should. Leaders are providing helpful instruction, members are actively involved in service, and the church grows together in unity and doctrinal fortitude. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that church? There is a lot in this passage that deserves attention, but one thing in particular is to see how important it is that each member be a part of the ministry of the church. Each member is to actively invest in others and serve to be a blessing to the other members of the church. Not until this is accomplished does Paul consider the church to grow into maturity and into the fullness of Christ.

There is a lot going on at Lighthouse right now and there are many opportunities for you to invest in others and encourage them in the faith. This really should be a regular part of your life and not just something that happens from time to time. If you are not very involved in the ministry of the church, consider how you might get more involved. Keep in mind that we are not just trying to maintain nice little programs but are seeking to provide opportunities for the church to practice the “one anothers” and grow together in Christ. Ministry is not something that only the “professionals” do. It isn’t only for pastors, missionaries, elders, etc. As each member of the church gets involved in each other’s lives, as we speak truth to one another and encourage each other in the faith, the church will grow in strength. In this sense, the church is not only as strong as its leaders, but really only as strong as its members are committed to one another in this way.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Please read through the following announcements:

  1. Kids’ Club. Kids’ Club meets again this tonight (January 19) at 6:30pm. This is a great time for the kids to have a fun evening together and grow in their understanding of God. All kids from preschool to 5th grade are welcome to participate. The cost is only $30/child for the entire year ($20 for each additional child of the same household). Contact Josh Liu for more information ( ).
  2. Mommy and Me. Please don’t forget that Mommy and Me meets again this Thursday morning at 9:45am. If you are a mom of a 0-4 year old and would like some time midweek to spend with other moms and kids, join us for this time. Contact Jane Kim to get involved ( )! The cost is $25/family for registration.
  3. Single Life Table for Six. Single Life will not be meeting this Friday for Bible study. Instead, we will be having a Table for Six fellowship activity. If you are interested in participating, please sign up with Brian and Beverly Chan by tonight (Wednesday, January 19; ; )! This will be a great opportunity to get to know fellow singles and enjoy an evening together over a meal!
  4. College Life After-Christmas Party. This Friday evening (January 21), both the UCSD and SDSU Campus Fellowships will be meeting at the church for an After-Christmas Party! This is an annual tradition for College Life and is always a wonderful time. Meet at the church at 7:00pm for a time of fun and fellowship. There will be a “white elephant” gift exchange (limit $10), so be sure to bring a wrapped gift to participate! Contact Hansol An for more information ( ).
  5. Women’s Ministry Car Rally. This Saturday, January 22, the Women’s Ministry will be having its first ever car rally! The event will take place from 9:30am-2:00pm. Sign up with Christine Cho by Thursday afternoon in order to participate ( ). Also, don’t forget to bring some money for lunch and gas.
  6. Sunday Morning Prayer. Please try to come out to the church at least fifteen minutes before service begins to pray for the needs of the church and for one another. This prayer time takes place in the sanctuary and prayer requests are projected onto the wall. There is also a group that meets for prayer at 8:00am in Room 107. Contact Josh Lee for more information ( ).
  7. Members Meeting. We will be having a members meeting this Sunday, January 23, at 4:45pm, at the church. All members are highly encouraged to attend. As always, dinner will be served.
  8. LBC San Jose Inaugural Weekend. LBCSJ will be having its official inaugural weekend from January 28-30. If you are planning to go up to support the church plant, or if you would like more information about that weekend’s events, please contact Pastor Patrick ( ).
  9. Flocks. Our various monthly flocks will be meeting again between February 2-5. If you are not part of a flock but would like to be, please contact Pastor Patrick. This is a great way to get to know the church family!
  10. Care Month. If you would like to help out with our February Care Month, whether you are officially part of the Care Ministry or not, please contact Ryan McAdams for more information on how to get involved ( ).