LBC Weekly SPARK – May 18, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC Family and Friends,

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord! As the summer approaches, things are starting to pick up for LBC. VBS is right around the corner, the summer missions teams are preparing for their trips, and all the regularly scheduled activities like Bible studies and flocks are continuing. With as much as there is to do, we must always remember to sustain a position of dependence on the Lord in prayer. Let’s make sure that we don’t get lost in our busyness and forget the purposes we seek to achieve through our activity. All to His glory!

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are the announcements for this week:

  1. FLOCKS. Our regularly scheduled Bible studies will not be meeting this week because we will be meeting for regional flocks. For more information about flocks, check out the church website. If you want to know which flock to attend, you can contact Peter Lim (
  2. LBC BANQUET AND VISION QUEST. Don’t forget that this Sunday, May 22, will be our annual all-church banquet at 4:45pm, at the church. Signups are now closed. If you signed up but have not yet paid for the event, please bring payment with you to the banquet.
  3. MEN’S BREAKFAST. Calling all men! We will be meeting once again on Saturday, June 4 from 7:00-9:00am for breakfast, fellowship, and prayer. All men are invited to attend in order to further study what the Bible says about manliness. Please bring a breakfast item to share. Juice will be provided.
  4. MEMBERSHIP CLASS. Our next membership class will be on Saturday, June 4, from 9:00am-12:00pm, and Sunday, June 5, from 1:00-4:00pm. Attendance at both classes is required. Please talk to Pastor Patrick for a membership application or for more information.
  5. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. VBS will be from June 20-24, from 9:00am-5:00pm each day. The theme for this year is “God Always Wins!” and every year it is a very special time for our kids. Registration is currently open. Talk to Josh Liu for more information (
  6. SUMMER MISSIONS. Please be in prayer for our summer missions teams as we prepare to go to the Czech Republic and Argentina this summer. The dates for the Czech trip are June 26-July 16, and the dates for the Argentina trip are July 6-21. There is a lot of work that needs to be done, so please keep the teams in prayer. Missions support letters are also available on Sundays in the foyer. Be sure to pick one up for each team! Also, please keep in mind that this year LBCSJ is doing the planning for the CZ Missions team. If you are planning on supporting both teams, please write separate checks. Argentina support can be made out to “LBCSD.” Czech support can be made out to “LBCSJ” and mailed up to San Jose. Thank you for prayerfully considering supporting our teams this year!