LBC Weekly SPARK – May 28, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC church family and friends!

I just wanted to send a quick message with some announcements! Please read through the announcements below to find out what’s going on at LBC! =)

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are the announcements for this week:

  • All-Church Photo. We will be taking an all-church photo tomorrow after service. If you park in the family spots just outside the front entrance, please move your cars after service to make room for the photo. Everyone else, please make your way out to the parking lot for the church photo once the service has ended.
  • Sunday School. We will not be meeting for Sunday School tomorrow because of the Memorial Day holiday. This includes children’s, youth, and adult classes.
  • Meal Ministry. We want to welcome little Micah Hong! Congratulations to Kent and Romi and praise God for a safe trip back from Korea. If you would like to help provide a meal for the Hongs during this time of adjustment and transition, please contact Lauren Wendler.
  • Knitting and Crochet. Several ladies are getting together to knit and crochet gifts for the people in Argentina. If you are interested in learning how to do this and want to help out, please contact Elizabeth Moser.
  • Super Flock. Our regional flocks are all done meeting, but we will have one last Super Flock on Friday, June 17 at 6:30pm. All the flocks are welcome to come and enjoy some friendly flock competition! Please bring $8/adult for food (kids 0-12 eat free!). Sign up in the foyer this Sunday after service.
  • FITS. The first Fun in the Sun Day will be on Sunday, June 26, from 11:30-4:00pm. Lunch will be served for $5/person (kids 0-12 eat free!). Bring your softball gear, sand toys, and sunscreen! It’ll be a great day of fellowship for the church family.
  • VBS. Vacation Bible School registration is still being taken by Josh Liu. The cost is now $170/child, and that is still a great deal for a five day program from 9:00am-5:00pm each day! Be sure to invite your young friends and family for this wonderful week of learning God’s Word. The theme this year is “God Always Wins!”
  • Summer Missions. This summer we have the opportunity to send out teams to Argentina and the Czech Republic. Please prayerfully consider how you can help send these teams. Please be in prayer as the teams diligently prepare for the fast approaching trips! Also, keep in mind that if you plan to support members of both teams, donations for the Czech team need to be sent to LBC San Jose and donations for the Argentina team can be given here at LBC San Diego. Please write separate checks for each team. Thank you for your prayers and giving!
  • Wedding! Please pray for Matt Zhang and Samantha Soohoo as they get married later tonight! Pray that God would grant them wisdom and strength as they begin married life together.