LBC Weekly SPARK – June 2, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends!

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. In The Trellis and the Vine, authors Colin Marshall and Tony Payne argue that the ministry of cultivating spiritual growth is the responsibility of each believer in the church. By speaking God’s truth to one another, we actually help cause the body to grow together in spiritual maturity. Sadly, too many Christians in today’s churches leave spiritual development to the “professionals.” They do not invest in others but rather have a me-first mentality when it comes to ministry. Everything is about how they are growing, how they are being fed, and how they are being ministered to. Instead of seeking to be a blessing to others, they only seek blessing for themselves.

This is backwards thinking if you consider what the Scriptures say. Read Ephesians 4:11-16 and you’ll see that ministry and investment in others is not only left to the leaders of the church. All are called to speak God’s truth in love, and this is what fosters spiritual maturity in the church. Certainly, we should all be striving to grow personally, but this should not be at the expense of our ministry to others. In chapter 5 of the book, the authors discuss the concern that this requirement might become legalistic. Are all Christians really called to perform this ministry to others regardless of their spiritual maturity, giftedness, and ability? What happens if someone feels inadequate for the task?

The answer to these concerns is addressed in the book of Philippians, and chapter 5 of The Trellis and the Vine serves as a good synopsis of Paul’s epistle. In Philippians, Paul rejoices that he has an entire church that is willing to partner with him in the gospel even if it means there would be resulting persecution and suffering. Paul is encouraged by the solidarity of fellowship he has with them as they push forward for the cause of God’s truth. Together they could fight this spiritual battle side by side. This is what makes normal Christian partnership. Paul called all believers to live as citizens of heaven with Christ as their ruler. All were in it together, and this was the source of his encouragement. This is what true ministry looks like. It is each believer in the cause of the gospel with the rest of the church. The true nature of Christian ministry is self-abandoning and others-oriented. To be a Christian means you are part of the team.

As you think about your Christian service, is this your mentality? How are you seeking to be a blessing to others? When was the last time your investment in another led to their spiritual growth and benefit? How have you been speaking God’s truth so that others are spurred on to do the same? The church is in need of believers who want to be on the team, and not just watching from the sidelines. I hope this thought encourages your ministry and as a result the church will grow stronger and more mature.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are the announcements for this week:

  1. Friday Night Bible Studies. All our Friday night Bible studies will be meeting this week at 7:00pm. For the collegians, this will be the last on-campus Bible study of the year. The singles and youth will meet at the church. For more information, you can visit the pages of the various affinity groups through the church’s website. Also, beginning in July, the college and singles ministries will meet for a joint Bible study at the church on Friday evenings at 7:00pm.
  2. Men’s Breakfast. The next men’s breakfast is this Saturday, June 4, at 7:00am. All men are encouraged to attend as we continue discussing biblically what it means to be a man. Bring a breakfast item to share. Juice will be provided.
  3. Membership Class. We will be having a membership class this weekend at the church. This is a two-part class on Saturday, June 4, from 9:00am-12:00pm, and Sunday, June 5, from 1:00-4:00pm. Attendance at both sessions is required. If you are interested in becoming a member and would like an application, please email Pastor Patrick (
  4. New Visitors Meet N Greet. If you have come to LBC for the first time within the last couple months, you are invited to attend our New Visitors Meet N Greet. This will be in Room 101 immediately following our morning worship service. Pizza and drinks will also be provided.
  5. Sunday School. The Sunday School term has officially ended, but we will be extending the Peacemaker class for one more week to address some of the questions that were asked at the Q&A. Please join us this Sunday for that class even if you were in one of the other classes this term. It is certain to be helpful. On Sunday, June 12, we will be having a general Q&A with the elders during the Sunday School hour. This will be a great time to get to know the church’s leadership better. After the Q&A, we will be taking a break from Sunday School for the summer. Classes will resume in the fall.
  6. Missions Fundraiser Lunch. Throughout the month of June, the Czech and Argentina missions teams will be having a lunch fundraisers to help raise funds for the summer trips. These lunches will be held on June 5 and 12, and on June 26 at FITS. The cost for food is only $5/adult (kids 0-12 eat free!). It all starts this weekend, so go to the Sunday School class and stick around afterwards for some good food!
  7. Missions Support. As you know, this summer we will be sending missions teams out to the Czech Republic and Argentina. Please be praying for both teams as they have been working diligently to prepare. If you are planning to support the teams financially, please keep in mind that separate checks need to be written for each team. Support for Czech team members should be sent up to LBC San Jose. Support for Argentina team members can be made out to LBC San Diego. The departure dates for both teams are coming quickly so please get your support in soon! More information can be found in the missions support letters, which are available in the foyer on Sundays.
  8. Super Flock. On Friday, June 17, we will have all the flocks come together at the church for a Super Flock! This will be an evening of food and friendly competition between the flocks. Please bring $8 for food ($4 for kids 3-12). You can sign up for Super Flock in the foyer on Sunday or through your flock leader. Please sign up as we are looking for an accurate head count for food.
  9. Vacation Bible School. VBS is right around the corner, so be sure to register your kids as soon as possible. The theme is “God Always Wins!” and it is sure to be a fantastic time for the kids. We are delighted to hear from parents each year that the highlight of VBS is the sound biblical teaching and spiritual investment in the kids. Please talk to Josh Liu for more information about VBS (
  10. Fun in the Sun Day. Our first FITS will be on Sunday, June 26, at Torrey Hills Community Park. Bring your softball gear, sand toys, and sunscreen! Lunch will be served by our missions teams. The cost for food is only $5/adult (children 0-12 eat free!).