Author Archives: Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Weekly Links (2/22/2019)

“Every child conceived is a God-created and God-loved person with a God-given purpose and destiny. Let your comfort begin with that truth. God created your child. God loved your child and continues to love your child. God’s purpose and destiny for your child are fulfilled perfectly, even if the child dies. The reality of that is beyond anything you can know fully this side of heaven.” (John MacArthur, Safe in the Arms of God)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! There is much to read, listen and watch, so let’s get this started! Here are you week’s links:

  • What do you do when your child disobeys? Sam Crabtree, pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, writes on how to address the heart of your child that focuses less on following steps and more on following the lead of our gracious and loving God.
  • How can the North American church help the global church, and vice versa? Leonardo de Chirico, Augustus Lopes, Michael Reeves, and Stephen Tong each give their own answer, which provides a small window into how God is working in the church.
  • Steve Hays addressed a common objection Roman Catholics bring up with respect to sola Scriptura: where is there an inspired table of contents? In other words, how do we know, if Scripture is sufficient, that we have all that we need to live a life of godliness? This is a great example of clear thinking to stock criticisms of the Christian faith.
  • Biblical counselor Lou Priolo discusses how to help suspicious people and paranoid thinking in the most recent Truth in Love podcast.
  • What are five things every Christian should be doing with God’s Word? Michael Kruger points to the answer by looking at Psalm 119.
  • If you have never seen a dialogue about abortion, this is a great example of how to begin a conversation with someone who disagrees with you on the topic.
  • Biochemist Michael Behe, known for his work on Intelligent Design, has written a new book, Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution. Book reviews have been published prior to publication, and Behe has begun responding to the most prominent ones. He was recently interviewed on the ID the Future podcast, which summarizes the main criticisms and his responses. This is looking to be a good turnout for future dialogue and debate on this very important issue about our origins.
  • What do you think is more reliable, the Word of God or the voice of God? Pastor Clint Archer points out what the apostle Peter thought of his experience at the Mount of Transfiguration in relation to the Bible. This should be taken in consideration whenever any claims of personal revelation from God is claimed. Focus your attention on the Scriptures.
  • Have you ever been with someone who was facing a hard trial, and didn’t know what to say? Beverly Moore provides some much-needed guidance on how to encourage one to rejoice in the hope of the glory of God in the midst of trials.
  • John Snyder and Matthew Robinson have created a podcast awhile back called Behold Your God (from the same people who made the video series of the same name), and have been doing a series of podcasts on the topic of evangelism. This week is a third part, of which they discuss pastor Samuel Walker’s method of evangelism, and how to biblically respond to conviction. This looks like a very important topic that is worth listening to.
  • Is there biblical support for female deacons? Guy Waters argues ‘no’, while Thomas Schreiner argues ‘yes.’

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for flocks, most of which are meeting tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (2/15/2019)

“A true leader is someone who demonstrates to everyone around him that their interests are what most occupy his heart. A real leader will work hard to make everyone around him successful. His passion is to help make the people under his leadership flourish. That is why a true leader must have the heart of a servant.” (John F. MacArthur, Called to Lead)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! There is much to find with respect to helpful links for your benefit, and it is always hard not to include another set of links, but I hope these will point you to Christ and the sufficiency of His Word for daily life.

  • How is God glorified through His people? John MacArthur points out how, and you just might be surprised at what he points to.
  • Last week, I pointed you to Joe Rigney’s message on the application of Christian hedonism to the enjoyment of the things of earth, which came from Bethlehem College & Seminary’s 2019 Gospel Joy conference. They have now graciously provided video of every plenary session and seminar. There’s quite a lot of material that I think will interest anyone interested in growing as a Christian. Take a look!
  • What has been the impact of abortion, specifically for the black community in America? Arthur Goldberg gives some very alarming statistics that has pointed towards “black genocide.” This is a very sobering article that everyone should read, no matter which side of the debate you fall on.
  • RPTS President Barry York writes some lessons he learned from his neighbor on how to be a godly neighbor. Very humbling to read.
  • Historian of science Michael Keas addresses another science myth in the most recent ID the Future podcast: how the Copernican revolution demoted humans from being the center of the universe. That’s the myth, and it’s time to put it to rest.
  • Al Mohler wrote an article bringing to light what the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News reported this past Sunday: over the past 20 years, there have been 700 victims of sexual abuse in SBC churches. Mohler gives some direction in what must be done, and what is actually being done about the situation. May we all pray for those victims in need of healing, and also that the gospel would reach both victim and abuser.
  • This week, many are celebrating Charles Darwin’s birthday, and his many accomplishments. On the day of his birthday this year, the Discovery Institute made public a list of 1,000 Ph.D. scientists who dissent scientifically from Darwin’s mechanism for evolution: natural selection acting on random mutation. This puts another science myth to rest: no scientist questions Darwinian theory.
  • John Piper was asked recently if a gal engaged to a guy who watches porn should break up with him. He gives some helpful thoughts to the question.
  • Pastor John MacArthur this week celebrated 50 years as pastor of Grace Community Church, and was interviewed about longevity in ministry. This would be a good place to learn about how God has used one man to bring His Word to His people for half a century. Praise God!
  • Tim Challies writes about the fascinating life of Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the youth and collegians, as they will be at their retreat this weekend. See you next week!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (2/8/2019)

“The mind is like a garden; whatever you permit to grow and cultivate will eventually produce behavioral fruit (Gal. 6:7).” (John D. Street, Passions of the Heart: Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! There is a lot here for everyone to enjoy, so here are this week’s links!

  • What would be a good game plan for counselors to implement with married couples in need of help? Certified biblical counselor Julie Ganschow provides some of the basics in dealing with marriage problems.
  • How would the Puritans counsel the aged? Counselor Donn Northup combines some observations from Richard Baxter’s insights in his work A Christian Directory.
  • ACBC’s Truth in Love podcast continues to provide helpful resources in the area of biblical counseling, especially with respect to common struggles believers face today. Three podcasts were posted this week: how to understand feelings biblically, another on how to minister to families following the suicide of a loved one, and counseling women who have been abandoned by their husbands.
  • Joe Rigney, at the 2019 Bethlehem Conference held last month, spoke on resolving the biblical and experiential tensions of what has been called ‘Christian Hedonism.’ The issue has to do with knowing how to enjoy God supremely, and how to enjoy the things of earth. It is quite illuminating how Scripture resolves this tension, and how it can apply in our daily lives.
  • Historian of science Michael Keas is again interviewed on ID the Future podcast on the issue of Galileo and the myth of science vs. religion propagated by many in culture today. Fascinating stuff.
  • Christian apologist William Lane Craig has had animated videos made of various arguments for God’s existence within these last few years, and continues to release new ones every so often. His most recent two focus on the argument for the resurrection of Jesus, based on three facts most New Testament scholars, believer and unbeliever alike, would accept. Though we may not be in lock-step with Craig’s apologetic methodology, there is much to appreciate about these videos, and how they can be passed along to those who don’t believe, in hopes of starting a conversation about the gospel. May they be seen far and wide.
  • Vaneetha Rendall Risner writes about how she learned to read the Bible through tears, and how to seek God by way of His Word in times of pain and loneliness. Very insightful!
  • I was very encouraged to see this post from a mom who has a plan to raise her kids to be pro-life, especially when the culture is heading rapidly towards a pro-abortion stance. We can definitely incorporate this in teaching our kids, whether at home or at church. May God have mercy, and may we be bold to proclaim the gospel of life to all.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the youth and collegians, as they are meeting for Bible study tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (1/25/2019)

“Prayer for the Christian is a matter of believing that God is, and that he does respond to those who believe in him. Prayer then, instead of being a matter of times and seasons and special or routine occasions, becomes a life, or it becomes such a vital part of life that it re-focuses one’s whole outlook. We become interested in God, his ways, his doings, his words and we find ourselves agreeing with him about perhaps a great many things we were tempted not to agree about before. And the very humility which unself-consciously comes with such an attitude is one of sheer delight.” (William Philip, Why We Pray)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday!

  • Tuesday was Sanctity of Life Day, and you may not be aware of how the pro-life movement has been in the last couple of years. Life Training Institute speaker Scott Klusendorf wrote an update on the state of the pro-life movement under the current administration, with steps to increasing exposure of the pro-life message, in light of the gospel. You would be wise to read and heed.
  • In light of Klusendorf’s article, to make a case for the pro-life view on abortion, theologian Wayne Grudem gives some of the scientific evidence to further solidify persuading others of a biblical view of life. Klusendorf has also written five myths concerning abortion that every one should be aware of.
  • The Biblical Counseling Coalition started a three-part series on the effects of abortion in light of Sanctity of Life Day. The first article is on the topic of sidewalk counseling, the second is on post-abortion counseling for women, and the third on post-abortion counseling for men.
  • Christian apologist Frank Turek recently spoke on the issue of abortion on his podcast, including how to address the issue with those who are pro-choice, possibly pro-abortion. Turek is usually pretty helpful when it comes to issues of culture, so don’t miss out on this one.
  • Is the doctrine of adoption sweet to you? If not, you may change your mind after reading this explanation of it.
  • Pastor Brian Hedges writes an open letter to whoever falls under the category of ‘timid evangelist.’ I pray this will be of help to you to overcome the fear of man and increase your fear of God.
  • Historian of science Michael Keas debunks a couple common myths regarding science and religion on the recent ID the Future podcast, specifically, regarding the Dark Ages and belief in a flat earth. This was a continuation of a previous podcast, so make sure to check back to previous episodes.
  • Kevin DeYoung gives 10 biblical reasons racism is sin. Most people think it’s wrong, but cannot give the why. Let this be a good starting point for future discussions on racism among believers.

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for our flocks, as they are meeting tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (1/18/2019)

“Preaching occurs when a holy man of God opens the Word of God and says to the people of God, ‘Come and experience God with me in this text.’…Making the truth plain is what an expository preacher does. When the main point of the text is the main point of the sermon, the preacher has the assurance that the Lord himself is coming to speak and act.” (Ryan Fullerton, Jim Orrick, and Brian Payne, Encountering God through Expository Preaching: Connecting God’s People to God’s Presence through God’s Word)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Praise God for another week to spend in the reading and study of His Word, and the time to serve Him and His people. We have been away for about a month, and have missed many great links, but this week, the Lord provides! Here are this week’s (and this new year’s!) links!

  • Tim Challies wrote an informative post on the beginnings of the Pentecostal movement, its quirky history, showing in seed form, many of the current concerns many believers have about those who promote a continuationist view.
  • John MacArthur, during a Q&A at a Ligonier conference, answered how to counsel a mother who is Reformed in her thinking while married to a Roman Catholic husband. Very compassionate response.
  • What does it mean to love a Savior in whom we have not seen? Pastor Clint Archer focuses on 1 Peter 1:6-9 as a blueprint for us to increase our faith in the risen Christ.
  • Biblical counselor Bob Kellemen compiled a vast resource of links that would be a very helpful introduction to the biblical counseling movement. He wrote six blogposts that link to 90 resources, including the top 24 biblical counseling books of 2018, 12 bloggers to read in 2019, and more! You would be foolish not to take advantage of this!
  • How would you define abuse, according to Scripture? TMU professor Greg Gifford provides a biblically comprehensive definition that will serve to clarify the nature of abuse in order to offer appropriate counsel to those who are being abused.
  • Pastor Gavin Ortlund writes on the weirdness of living life without God. Many things cannot be adequately explained without reference to God, and Ortlund offers three aspects of life that demonstrates this to be the case.
  • What are some of the essentials of complementarianism? What are some of the non-essentials? Pastors Danny Akin, Kevin DeYoung, and Darryl Williamson have a small discussion answering these questions, which I thought would be a great conversation starter for anyone thinking through these issues in the context of their church and home.
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary recently held an apologetics conference on their campus called Defend ’19 that gives some helpful training in the area of defending your faith against unbelief. Though I can’t endorse all that was presented, I would suggest watching talks by Rob Bowman, Gary Habermas, and Neil Shenvi. A playlist with most of the main sessions can be seen here.
  • Jen Wilkin wrote a very helpful post on how to study the Bible with your teen. Parents, you will want to bookmark this page when your kids are approaching the teenage years. However, not to leave anyone out, this looks like a game plan that anyone can use to study the Bible with a young believer. This can work in small groups, an older man/woman meeting with a younger man/woman, or even at home with roommates, friends, or even with a coworker. Trust me, this is worth reading!
  • Many of the audios and videos from the recent Cross conference have been posted. If you are looking to be motivated to think deeply about missions, you will be helped much by what was covered at this conference.

That’s all for this week! Pray for the youth and collegians, as they meet for Bible study tonight. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (12/21/2018)

“If God were not just, there would be no demand for his Son to suffer and die. And if God were not loving, there would be no willingness for his Son to suffer and die. But God is both just and loving. Therefore his love is willing to meet the demands of his justice.” (John Piper, Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! The weekend has arrived, and Christmas is almost here! I pray your week has been a blessing to those around you, and your thoughts are focused on the first coming of Christ. Here are some links that I hope will keep you meditating on His love for you.

  • Within the last few weeks, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro had on his Sunday Special show Pastor John MacArthur, and then Bishop Robert Barron. Their views on salvation vastly displayed the gulf between what Scripture says, and what Catholic tradition says in contrast. Jordan Standridge pointed out this and other differences between these two men, and you would do well to know some of the differences between Roman Catholicism and biblical Christianity.
  • Young-earth creationists are criticized regularly for solely bashing evolution. Jonathan Sarfati answers by pointing out the falsity of the claim, and laying out the two-fold approach to answering objections to creation as revealed by God.
  • Ligonier Ministries recently called for prayer with respect to the church in China, as there has been an increase in persecution by the government. It a call to sober-mindedness, compassion, and boldness in the face of opposition, and we need to heed that call.
  • CBMW’s podcast, Danvers Audio, recently posted an interview with Nancy Pearcey, author of her newest book, Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. Definitely worth your time, especially if you want to get a handle on what is happening in our culture.
  • The people behind the writing of The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel continue their exposition of the statement’s various articles. Here is the most recent one on Article XIV: Racism.
  • Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason writes of the many unknowns that come with considering IVF. If you and your spouse are thinking of this as an option, this is the article for you.
  • Do you find yourself having a hard time enjoying the Christmas season? Pastor and seminary professor David Murray wrote an open letter to the depressed believer, and you or someone you know may need to read this letter. Hopefully, it will draw your focus on Christ, even when the holiday may sometimes do anything but.
  • New Testament scholar Timothy Paul Jones debunks the common objection that Christianity borrowed from pagan myths in constructing the story written in the Gospels. This is bookmark-worthy.
  • How does the Incarnation of Christ lead us to change to be more like Him? Pastor and biblical counselor Tim Pasma points out how Jesus coming in flesh and living among us is a huge help to us all, whether we are counseling others, or are in need of counseling ourselves. Christ is the Gift that will never stop giving.
  • Biblical counselor Dr. John Street explains the importance of data gathering in counseling on ACBC’s Truth in Love podcast.

That’s all for this week! I hope you enjoy your time with friends and family this Christmas season, primarily in celebrating Christ’s birth! See (some of) you Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (12/14/2018)

“My point is simply that passionate and joyful admiration of God, and not merely intellectual apprehension, is the aim of our existence. If God is to be supremely glorified in us it’s critically essential that we be supremely glad in him and in what he has done for us in Jesus. So, here’s why you are: to relish and rejoice in the revelation of divine beauty.” (Sam Storms, One Thing)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Christmas is on its way, so see these links as your gifts for this week. And…open!

  • As Christmas is coming upon us, and fast, how can we show the love of Christ to those in need of His love? How can our joy in Christ lead to our love for others? David Mathis explains how.
  • Surrogacy is becoming more of a regular occurrence in society, and the consequences are devastating. Jennifer Lahl, founder and president of the Center for Bioethics and Culture, explains the reasons against surrogacy in response to an article advocating for it.
  • Would you believe we have more evidence than ever today to make the case for Christianity? Liberty University professor Gary Habermas is convinced, and in a recent interview (linked in the article), gives his thoughts as to why he thinks as such.
  • The Associates for Biblical Research continue their show Digging for Truth by interviewing Dr. Scott Stripling about his excavation at Tel Shiloh. Take note that this is part one of two, which will show at a later time.
  • The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has a history of racism and slavery of which its founders all participated in. A recent report was released that detailed what role SBTS played at the time leading up to the civil rights movement. Denny Burk links to the report and gives some thoughts.
  • Pastor Jordan Standridge argues for the perspective that Romans 7 describes a mature believer’s battle with sin. Short and sweet.
  • What is the foundation for our joy of Christmas? R.C. Sproul wrote an article that answers that question, which happens to be the same answer to the question Anselm asked long ago, “Why the God-man?”
  • Biblical counselor Betty-Anne Van Rees gives a helpful word on how to deal with your anger biblically.
  • Michael Keas finishes his interview with Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland about scientism and its destructive implications. If you missed the previous parts of their interview, you will find it linked.

That’s all for this week! Looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas Concert tomorrow night at 6pm! See you also on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (11/30/2018)

“The deepest wound of all wounds was the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered more than anyone ever had or ever will, and with the greatest possible effect. His cry was the apex of all laments: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27: 46; see Psalm 22: 1). It is only because of this lament that our laments gain their ultimate meaning. If the perfect Son of God can lament and not sin, so may we. Further, that anguished cry was answered by his resurrection from the dead on the third day.” (Douglas Groothuis, Walking Through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness–A Philosopher’s Lament)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! There are many links to get to, so don’t let me stop you from enjoying what you see! Happy reading!

  • Historian of science Michael Keas continues his interview with Christian apologist J.P. Moreland on the issue of scientism and its many problems.
  • On this week’s Truth in Love podcast, Dale Johnson interviews Pastor Rush Witt on his new book, Diehard Sins: How to Fight Wisely against Destructive Daily Habits. This book comes highly endorsed by many in the biblical counseling community. You might want to pick up the book after!
  • RTS Charlotte President Michael Kruger gives seven lessons for evangelical scholars in the secular academy based on Thomas Oden’s switch from liberalism to evangelical Christianity. These lessons are not just for the scholar, but for every believer seeking to make an influence in the academic realm, wherever that may be.
  • Paul Tripp argues that the good news of Christmas can truly be embraced and enjoyed when you truly accept the bad news of Christmas.
  • Joshua Harris, author of the very popular book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, has since interviewed many people about the influence his writing had over 20 years ago. He filmed a documentary with the varied responses, and Harris’ own thoughts now. Tim Challies wrote a mini-review, including a link to where you can view the documentary for free. Exploration Films recently released a statement that Harris requested his books on the issue be discontinued from publication.
  • Reports have surfaced of an American missionary, John Chau, being killed by a small tribe in India, and many have offered their thoughts on the matter. Albert Mohler addressed it on Monday’s edition of The Briefing, while Denny Burk highlights an interview of the director of Chau’s missionary agency, All Nations, that corrects many of the criticisms placed on Chau and his decision to evangelize the Sentinelese. Ed Stetzer writes in The Washington Post about the culture’s response to Chau’s decision and how it differs from how a Christian might respond. Pray for Chau’s family, as they mourn his loss, and for the Sentinelese, that they may hear the gospel soon.
  • Christopher Yuan has written a new book advocating for a life of holiness, as opposed to heterosexuality, when dealing with the struggle some have over their homosexual desires. Randy Alcorn reviews Yuan’s new book, and links to a video of his testimony to the power of the gospel. Make sure to watch!
  • Fred Sanders, Professor at the Torrey Honors Institute, presents a lecture on the revelation of the Trinity in Scripture. That alone should interest you enough to give 75 minutes of your time to learn and enjoy God’s triune nature.
  • Now, I know the main focus should be on resources that have come out this week, but I had to mention Triablogue’s Christmas 2018 resource list that was posted last Friday. This is one of my favorite posts to link to every year. If you are looking for anything related to Christmas, and its historical veracity and theological significance, this is the post to bookmark.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the many flocks meeting tonight and tomorrow, and for the women heading to Tri-City Bible Church for the Women’s Christmas Coffee event. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (11/23/2018)

“Our first and chief concern as Christians should be to guard and to preserve this precious, wondrous unity of the Spirit. . . . If we believe in God, we must ever feel that our first duty is to guard this unity, to preserve it at all costs, to strain every nerve and be diligent in endeavouring to keep it and manifest it.” (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Christian Unity: An Exposition of Ephesians 4:1– 10)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Thanksgiving has come and gone, but the links are here to stay. Here are this week’s links!

  • How can you help those who are sorrowful rejoice this holiday season? Pastor Spencer Harmon gives some great wisdom for many who may rub shoulders with those who are in this season of suffering.
  • Scripture calls for believers to be hospitable. What does that look like? Kelsey Park invites you to join her in a life of service to believers you know and don’t know.
  • Historian of science Mike Keas interviews J.P. Moreland about his new book, Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. The great thing is this will be a series of interviews, so I will try to post future interviews to come!
  • Denny Burk reflects on the recent Evangelical Theological Society meeting held last week. You may be more interested in this than you think, so check it out.
  • How much time do you spend each day reading the Bible? Do you think you don’t have enough time? Crossway recently published an infographic that will inform and surprise you in terms of how much time it really does take to read the Bible, and how quickly it can be done. This can definitely be something worth investing your time in.
  • How does the Bible address contentment? ACBC Executive Director Dale Johnson speaks about this in the newest Truth in Love podcast.
  • What does it actually mean to be taught by God to “number our days”? W. Robert Godfrey lays out the context of Psalm 90:12 and draws us in to the God who is eternal.
  • How should parent-child conversations be prioritized? Which types of conversations should parents give more of an emphasis on than others? Pastor Andy Farmer offers five priorities that will, in the long run, give way to a fruitful relationship with your children to the glory of God.
  • Some may have already moved on from Thanksgiving, and are beginning to prepare for Christmas. How can we as believers make the most of this upcoming season? Pastor John MacArthur gives some helpful thoughts for us to consider.
  • UC Berkeley is drawing attention to itself with one of its student senators abstaining to vote to condemn the Trump administration for considering to a Title IX ban on sex discrimination in education on the basis of a person’s biological sex rather than on his or her gender identity. The student senator is a Christian who chose not to go against her conscience, and has demonstrated compassion and conviction in the face of intolerance by the ‘tolerant’ majority. May her tribe increase.

That’s all for this week! Happy post-Thanksgiving! See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria

Weekly Links (11/16/2018)

“Tears in the preacher are evoked by deeply felt sympathy with the predicament of those who are listening, a predicament which the preacher shares but from which he has been rescued by the gospel which he is bringing. When that gospel is rejected, tears are drawn from the preacher as he earnestly seeks the good of those to whom he has been sent. Our modern gospel does not evoke tears in the preacher because the dimension of judgement has almost completely been eliminated. A gospel without tears, because without judgement, is not the gospel of the New Testament.” (Broughton Knox, The Everlasting God)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! I hope and pray these links will be of use to you in your service to Christ and His bride. So read and enjoy!

  • How do we deal with unhealthy friendships? What are some warning signs, and how can they be redirected to a healthy and God-glorifying type of friendship? Kelly Needham, in anticipation of her upcoming book on friendship, is interviewed to discuss friendship idolatry and how to turn a friendship Godward.
  • Who first showed Ray Ortlund the beauty of Jesus? His father, and it’s a beautiful story.
  • What is the current state of apologetics today? How can Christians be more effective in their witness of Christ and His glory to our neighbors, coworkers, family members, etc.? Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra lays out the current cultural landscape that many in the US face, and how a change in emphasis can draw people to see not only the truth, but the beauty and goodness of the gospel. This was quite a helpful read.
  • How would John Piper argue for Christian Hedonism today? Well, here’s how! By the way, this was posted today, so this is quite an appropriate question to ask.
  • Piper also has answered many questions over the years on his Ask Pastor John podcast. Desiring God created a top 10 post on what people have asked over the years about how to read the Bible. While you’re at it, you may also want to listen to his most recent podcast on seven ways APJ will kill your joy, the exact opposite of Christian Hedonism.
  • What do medical experts say about hormone treatments and surgery with respect to changing one’s sex? Over at The Public Discourse, two outcomes to the current promotion of transgenderism are examined that can dramatically effect not only those affected by this, but those who seek to help those who are hurting. As a sign of love, stay informed.
  • You have probably seen the many televangelists or Word of Faith preachers speak their false teachings on TV or online, but have you ever heard one of them confess their sin of representing the gospel inaccurately? Pastor John Samson, former Word of Faith preacher, does just this. You definitely want to hear about how the Lord drew Him to preach the biblical gospel.
  • How would you apply Scripture to the difficult situations in life? The Biblical Counseling Coalition started a series of posts on how the Bible can be used effectively to help those suffering from PTSD. Greg Gifford discussed the importance of having a biblical view of man when addressing PTSD, Biblical counselor John Foldberg explains his counseling methodology with respect to PTSD, and Rachel Rosser discusses the distinct issue of addressing Complex PTS. Don’t miss Charles Hodges’ post, the last in the series, when it comes out on the BCC blog.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for the youth and collegians, as they meet tonight for Bible study. Looking forward to seeing you all at church on Sunday for service, and Thanksgiving dinner!

Soli Deo Gloria